Friday, January 17, 2014

Meet your SES Program Chairs

We recently got up close and personal with your SES Leadership. We asked your program Chairs, Mark Freeman and Heather Burns a few questions. Their WEI perspective can help you make the most out of your Symposium experience.

1.       What is the best part about being involved with WEI? 

Mark:  To know that we are not alone in the struggles we have at our utility.  The networking that is available and the other opportunities like SES to share struggles and successes are invaluable.  Also with the relationships you create, it is nice to know you have lots of friends that are just a phone call away for help and advice.

Heather:  Definitely the networking.  It is amazing to me the quality of people involved in the energy industry. Developing relationships with people you can talk to about issues impacting the industry and best practices is really helpful.  I have found that the members I know are consistently willing to share their great ideas about things they have already tackled - other times I enjoy the comfort of knowing that many of us are wrestling with similar issues.   

2.       What was your first WEI event? 

Mark: It’s been so long, I will guess it was a SES.  (We did some research for you Mark and your first WEI event was the Executive Planning Committee (EPC) meeting in 2008.  You attended your first SES in 2009.)

Heather: I think it was around 2003 – I was asked to participate on a Program Delivery Team (PDT) by my boss at the time and attended the Spring Energy Symposium in Phoenix.  Not a bad gig coming from South Dakota!   All the PDT work at the time was done over the phone.   It is really neat to see how the coordination of SES has evolved over time into the well-oiled machine it is today.   The rest is history, with NorthWestern Energy supporting me in attending and facilitating Business Acumen for Emerging Leaders,  participating in Human Resources Executive Forum, Executive Planning committee (EPC) and many more SESs.

3.       What are you looking forward to the most at this year’s SES? 

Mark: To beat Jim Nicholson’s attendance record from last year’s SES.  Seriously though, I want to learn what other utilities have done or are planning to do with all the changes and threats to the 100-year-old utility model we have been functioning with.

Heather: Other than seeing Mark, of course, I am looking forward to the great program content.  Considering how the talent deck is stacked with great PDT members, it’s sure to be an enlightening year.  

4.       Twizzlers® or Red Vines®

Mark: I like Red Wine more than Red Vines

Heather: Oh, come on. Twizzlers!

5.       Can you provide an example of a best practice you learned from another utility that you applied at your own? 

Mark: Innovative contact center metrics that drive a better customer experience.

Heather: One example?  That would be tough.  NorthWestern Energy makes workforce planning and organizational development activities a priority in the organization.  We have picked up a number of useful changes and additions on both of those fronts from SMUD, BC Hydro, Idaho Power, PG&E…..I am not sure I could name them all.

6.       Do you have any advice to someone who is attending a WEI event for the first time? 

Mark: Don’t choose a track and just attend that track.  Look at all the programs and move outside your track and learn about other areas that can help you when you return home.

Heather: Attend the tracks that interest you and take advantage of the Q&A portion of the presentation. The presenters are always eager to share their ideas and experiences, and the groups are eager to hear about yours as well.   Don’t miss the social opportunities that are built into the program as a way to make connections and explore topics a bit more. 

7.       Who do you think is going to win the Super Bowl? 

Mark: Since they didn’t lose * last week, I am sticking with the Chargers. (*Mark submitted his response well before the weekend that the Chargers lost, sorry Mark!)

Heather:  Steelers are out - season is over at my house.

Thank you to Mark and Heather for their time! Our condolences on your football team choices, maybe next year?  

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